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Twin Eagles Wilderness School eNewsletter - August 2019
Late summer is upon us! Blackberries and rose hips are ripening, the landscape is dry, squirrels are already starting to gather up food for the autumn, and everyone seems to be busy getting in one last visit to the lake or camping trip before the fall sets in. Here at Twin Eagles, we're celebrating a phenomenal summer camp season and getting ready for all of our school year programs coming soon. Take a look!
- Autumn Youth & Teen Programs - Registration Now Open!!
- Summer Camps 2019 Review
Autumn Youth & Teen Programs
Twin Eagles Monthly Youth Programs
For kids ages 6 - 13 · Spokane, WA
One Sunday per month · October - May
We are pleased to be bringing traditional ecological knowledge to the Spokane community on a monthly basis once again this year! Kids have a rare opportunity to slow down to nature's pace and experience themselves in a community of passionate nature based learners through activities such as fire by friction, local species interrelations, songs, animal tracking, group challenges, wild edible & medicinal plants, natural shelter building, storytelling, sensory awareness and much, much more.
Click here to learn more about Twin Eagles Monthly Youth Programs!
Weekend Teen Wilderness Programs
Twin Eagles Seasonal Teen Rendezvous
For teens ages 13 - 18 · Locations throughout the Inland Northwest
Weekends run Friday evening through Sunday Afternoon
Autumn, Winter, & Spring Sessions
Twin Eagles Seasonal Teen Rendezvous offers awesome experiences to teens throughout the Inland Northwest and beyond to sink deep roots to the earth through wilderness skills while soaring high through full-on group adventures. Teens learn leadership by working together as well as applying their sensitivities through ancient earth based skills and crafts. This is a powerful opportunity for teens to encounter the wild around them. As well, teens have a chance to touch their own inner wildness by giving unique voice to their inner selves amongst a community of peers and mentors.
Autumn Session: The Way of The Scout
Winter Session: Wooden Bow Making
Spring Session: TBA
Click here to learn more about Twin Eagles Seasonal Teen Rendezvous!
Teen Mentor-In-Training Program
For teens ages 13 and older · Sandpoint, ID & Spokane, WA
Twin Eagles Mentor in Training (MIT) program is an incredible opportunity for teens to step forward into becoming authentic nature based mentors. Twin Eagles MITs receive guidance from Twin Eagles' seasoned adult staff to move into a mentoring role with Twin Eagles Youth Program students, thereby experiencing themselves as powerful role models and leaders. It is a rare opportunity to be mentored into their greater potential as they experience the joy of mentoring others into a deep relationship with the earth. The MIT Program runs alongside all of our Youth Programs, so teens are able to select which one(s) they wish to participate in.
Click here to learn more about Twin Eagles Mentor in Training Program!
Summer Camps 2019 Review
Twin Eagles Wilderness Adventure Summer Camps were a huge success this year! It is hard to believe that two and half months have gone by so fast, yet were filled with so many timeless moments of connection. In the end, we had our biggest summer ever with 290 kids participating in 12 week long summer camps, supported by 29 staff! Wow!!

Nature Adventurers Day Camps were some of my favorite camps of the summer. We ran one of these day camps in both Sandpoint and Spokane each, and they were chock full of beautiful moments of nature connection. Think catching crayfish in the river, climbing trees, spotting hidden nests of quail, plovers, flycatchers, & robins, finding hidden fawns in the tall grasses, playing TONS of fun nature games (that secretly connect the kids even deeper to the land), and making real connections with plants and trees through natural crafts, foods, and medicines, just to name a few. This journey of exploring natural mysteries is in many ways the heart of what we do here at Twin Eagles, as we guide the kids (and ourselves) to experience the truth that we are nature.
Wilderness Survival Day Camps are always our most popular camps. This summer we ran five of these camps, two each in Sandpoint & Spokane, plus one is Coeur d'Alene! We just have SO MUCH Fun at these camps! I mean, who wouldn't love building warm and dry natural shelters, making fire by friction by flint and steel (yes, it really does work!), harvesting clean drinking water from wild places, digging & eating wild roots, berries, leaves, flowers, & bugs, as well as learning primitive hunting methods like rabbit sticks and simple traps and snares. These camps put us in direct relationship with our basic needs as humans, and are thus incredibly empowering and liberating.
Nature Ninjas Day Camps were a total blast! We ran three of these camps, as kids were covered from head to toe in mud, charcoal, and clay for just about the entire time. We spent lost of time learning the art of natural camouflage, then playing long games of capture the flag as ninjas. We taught the kids responsible and safe stick fighting, and brought out the old teachings that ninjas were actually peacemakers first, protectors of the tribe. Real skills, real fun, real life teachings.
Overnight Camps were, once again, some of our favorite weeks of the entire year. We ran two of them, one for 10-13 year olds and another for teens. Talk about deep connection. When we all come together and actually live together full time for a week or more, something big shifts. We embrace village life, and thus embrace an embodied interconnected way of living. As far as activities, imagine all of the above, plus kids that are more capable, and NIGHTTIME! Campfire stalks, village craft nights making woven grass mats, coal burned spoons and bowls, sheath knives, games of chance, gratitude circles, crazy fun games, tons of natural mysteries, timeless sit spots, sleeping in primitive shelters, morning runs, lots of animal encounters, extended survival trips out on the land, and, for the teens, wilderness survival solos wilderness survival solos that brought them into profound connection with the land and themselves. We reconnected with what it means to be fully human, and there were many tears when it was over, as it seemed that no one at all wanted to leave.
Our Staff of 29 amazing human beings were the engine behind all of these wildly successful camps! And I really do mean amazing! We had six teen Mentors-In-Training support our camps this year, including Clover Mayer-Mclaughlin, Keenan Caudill, Selah Keller, Colin Blace, Rafael Kletter, and Rennie Forbes. These teens went above and beyond the call of duty, as they stepped into genuine responsibility as they worked to inspire campers and bring big fun. We had nine interns in our brand new internship, including Kevin Button, Colin Daly, Kooper Carter, Gina Hopkins, Ben Taylor, Bea Herzberg, Isaac Sprints, Lily Wirth, and Garret Braun. Five adult assistant instructors joined us this summer, including Maya West, Kristina Leidums, Amiste Sanders, Ann Freeman, and Camila Alaasam. These folks brought their big love for nature and people to our camps, providing huge support as they deepened in their capacity to mentor youth. Our four lead instructors were the strongbacks of our summer camp culture. Caelan Angell, Nathan Uhlmeyer, Amiste Sanders, and David Kletter each gave of themselves tremendously as they led group after group of kids hungry to connect with nature on a true journey of the heart and soul. Our overnight camps were blessed with delicious food prepared by Jason Freshly and Brandon Richter. These two served amazing food as they tended the heart of our camp, our kitchen. Lastly, we'd like to honor Graham McLaren who came back after a few years to join Jeannine and I (Tim) as a camp director this summer. Indeed, leadership is one of the quickest paths to self discovery. We are deeply grateful to all of these wonderful human beings who made our summer camps possible, and hope that you'll join us in appreciating them!
I'll wrap this section up by sharing a few messages we received from parents describing their kid's experience with us this summer:
"My girls absolutely love their summer day camps!! They come home with a deep love and understanding of the outdoors that is cultivated by the incredible instructors. We look forward to returning year after year!" -Karyn Elise Rankin
"Will, my 11 year old, participated in the Twin Eagles day camp this summer for the first time. He LOVED it!! The counselors were so patient with all the kids, drawing on their natural curiosity while teaching them tidbits. Tim was there every morning with a smile and a handshake then ready every afternoon with a quick update. Will is already hoping to attend the overnight camp!!" -Nicole Reynolds
"Our 6 year old daughter attended 3 week-long kids camps with Twin Eagles this summer. She had a magical time during each session singing new songs and bringing home crafts that she had made from the landscape. Willow developed a deep maturity around camping and the natural world that we haven’t seen from her before. We have so much gratitude toward Tim and Jeannine for the amazing mentorship and guidance they provide for the people of all ages in our community. Highly recommend any and all programs that Twin Eagles offers. Thank you!" -Sara McTavish
"My son attended the overnight camp this summer and returned with a heightened reverence for the outdoors. He gets up early and sits outside for 20 minutes before beginning his day. He's also working on another hand-carved spoon. Thanks, Twin Eagles for providing this much-needed connection to nature." -Heidi Lasher
"My 6 year old had a great time at Twin Eagles Wilderness school last week. He went to the camp here in Spokane at the Spokane House in Riverside State Park. He is a pretty shy kid, but he had so much to talk about when we picked him up everyday. He will be back next year. Highly recommend!" -Mike Adams
"Both of my sons, ages 11 & 12, enjoyed Twin Eagles' Wilderness Survival Camp. Skills learned, such as knife safety, respect for the land, water filtration, hunting small game with a stick, tracking, and taking time just to chill in the woods - will last them a lifetime." -Hope Friese
Wild Blessings,
Tim Corcoran
co-Director & co-Founder
Twin Eagles Wilderness School
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